Pregnancy Care


Before you are pregnant

Find advice about trying for baby, including planning a pregnancy

Having a baby if you're LGBT+

Find out about starting a family if you're lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or non-binary.

Finding out you're pregnant

The NHS provides information on what happens and what you might need to think about when you're first pregnant.

The more you know about your pregnancy and your options, the more you are likely to feel in control. Antenatal care is the care you get from health professionals during your pregnancy.  It's sometimes called pregnancy care or maternity care.  

You will have a number of antenatal appointments throughout your pregnancy, and you will see a midwife, or sometimes a doctor who specialises in pregnancy and birth (an obstetrician).  

Once you know you're pregnant, it's a good idea to start your antenatal care as soon as possible.  To do this, you will need to contact a midwife or GP, or you can refer yourself directly to maternity services near you.  This is usually done by completing an Online Form.